History تاریخ

The people of Balochistan have a beautiful and inspiring History. This page discusses the various epochs and eras of the History of the Baloch People. It contains a detailed chronology of the major events in the History of the Baloch people since the start of the Early Modern Times. It also offers interesting research material and analyses on the subject. Feel free to join us through your research and analysis.

بلوچستان کی لوگوں کی ایک خوبصورت اور پراثر تاریخ ہے. ۔ یہ صفحہ بلوچ قوم کی تاریخ کے مختلف ادوار پر بحث کرتا ہے۔
بلوچوں کے ماضی کے ابتدائی جدید دور کی مفصل سالانہ تاریخ آپ کو ان صفحات پر ملے گی۔ یہاں پر آپ کو دلچسپ تحقیقاتی مواد اور آراء ملیں گیں۔ آپ اپنی تحقیق اور آراء کے اظہارکے ذریعے ہماری سرگرمیوں کا حصہ بن سکتے ہیں۔

Chronology of the History of Balochistan

654  The whole of Balochistan comes under Muslim Rule.

1468-1565  Mir Chakar Khan Rind.

15th Century Mir Gwahram Lashari.

1638-1709  Large parts of Balochistan under Safavid Rule.

1666-67   Mir Ahmed 1 of Kalat.

1747-1879  Durranies rule in most of Northeastern Balochistan.         Western parts ruled by Ahmedzai Khans.

1749-94   Mir Nasir Khan 1 (Mir Noori Nasir Khan) Khan of Kalat.

1839   British attack Kalat, Mehrab Khan killed. His successor — Mir Shah Nawaz Khan was then appointed with Lieutenant  Loveday as political officer.

1840  Under pressure from Colonel Stacey, Mir Nasir Khan II submitted  to the British, and Major Outram had him installed at Kalat.

1841-1857  Mir Nasir Khan II Khan of Kalat.

1871 Robert Sandeman was given political control over the warring Marri, Bugti and Mazari tribes of the Sulaiman Hills  at the Mithankot conference between the then governments of Punjab and Sindh provinces.

1875  The Treaty of Kalat (Urdu: قلات کے معاہدے) was an 1875 agreement between the British Raj and the Baloch tribes  bordering the Punjab region in modern-day Pakistan. Negotiated by British chargé d’affaires Robert Groves  Sandeman, the treaty reconciled the warring tribes of the region with their Khan and recognized the direct rule of the British over the Khanate of Kalat.

1877 Signature of the Treaty of Mastung by the Khan of Kalat and the Baloch Sardars.

1877-1947  Balochistan Agency. Colonel Sir Robert Groves Sandeman introduced an innovative system of tribal pacification in Balochistan.

1879 Treaty of Gandamak Pishin, Duki, and Sibi passed into British hands.

End 19th Century  Sardar Hussain Narui Baloch revolt against Persia.

Early 20th Century Bahram Khan gets control of Western Baloch lands.

1916 Bahram Khan recognized king of Balochistan by the English

1920  Mir Dost Muhammad Khan, nephew and successor of Bahram Khan, declared himself king of Western Balochistan. The English acknowledged him as well.

1921   “Anjuman-e-Ithihaad-e-Balochistan” was formed to struggle for the rights of the people of Balochistan.

1928 Reza Shah troops occupied Western Balochistan, defeated, imprisoned and killed Dost Muhammad Khan. Baloch Conference of Jacobabad.

1936?  The Baloch youth formed another organization “Anjuman-e-Islamia Ryasat-e-Kalat.” Malik Abdul Raheem Khwaja Khail was elected the General Secretary of this organization while Mir Gul Khan Nasir was  the President.

5 February 1937  Baloch youth got together again and formed a new political organization, Kalat State National Party (KSNP). Party members elected Mir Abdul Aziz Kurd as President, Mir Gul Khan Nasir as Vice President, and Malik Faiz Muhammad Yousafzai became the Secretary General.

1939  During an annual session of KSNP in which Mir Ghaus Bakhsh Bizenjo was also taking part as a representative of a Karachi-based political party, some thugs sent by the local sardars tried to disrupt the rally by firing at the participants. After that all the members of the Party who had government jobs resigned and were arrested. This was the incident which caused Mir Ghaus Bakhsh Bizenjo to join the KSNP.

1939-45  KSNP banned.

March 1946 Gul Khan Nasir was expelled from Kalat State following complaints to the agent to the Governor-General in Balochistan from the Badini, Jamaldini and Zagar Mengal sardars.

29 June 1947 The province’s Shahi Jirga and the non-official members of the Quetta Municipality opted for Pakistan unanimously. Three of the princely states, Makran, Las Bela and Kharan, acceded to Pakistan in 1947 after independence.But the ruler of the fourth princely state, the Khan of Kalat, Ahmad Yar Khan, who used to call Jinnah his ‘father’, declared Kalat’s  independence as this was one of the options given to all of the 535 princely states by British Prime Minister Clement Attlee.

12 August, 1947  Mir Ghuas Bakhsh Bizenjo Address to Kalat State Parliament.Sharing a common religion wasn’t grounds enough for Kalat to join Pakistan.

March 27, 1948  Kalat acceeded to Pakistan.

1948  The Khan of Kalat, Mir Ahmedyar Khan joined Muslim League after the accession but was hesitant to do it  alone so he sent Mir Ajmal Khan to Mir Ghaus Bakhsh Bizenjo and Gul Khan Nasir to persuade them into  joining the Muslim League with the Khan. Both Gul Khan and Ghaus Bakhsh thought that joining the ML would provide them the platform they needed to raise the voice for Kalat’s rights. But within days they realized that they would never be able to achieve what they wanted while they were in the Muslim League. So they left the ML never to turn back to it ever again.

1954  Communist Party banned in Pakistan.

1955  All the provinces of West Pakistan were merged into one unit. In these conditions the Baloch ethnic nationalist politicians under the leadership of Mir Ghaus Bakhsh Bizenjo, Mir Gul Khan Nasir, Agha Abdul Karim Khan (the brother of Khan of Kalat), Mohammad Hussain Anqa and Qadir Bux Nizamani  formed the “Usthman Gal” which is Balochi for “The People’s Party”. Agha Abdul Karim was elected as the President of this party.

1956  The “Usthman Gal” was merged into the Pakistan National Party which also included “Khudai Khidmatgar” from N.W.F.P, “Azaad Pakistan Party” from Punjab, “Sindh Mahaz” from Sindh and “Woror Pashtun” from the Pashtun dominated areas of Balochistan. In this way, the Pakistan National Party emerged as the largest Left-Wing Political Party in West Pakistan.

1957  The PNP merged with Maulana Bhashani’s Awami League to form the National Awami Party. It was the principal opposition party to the military regime for much of the late 1950s and mid-1960s. The party split in 1969 into two factions; the head of one faction remained in newly formed Bangladesh, while the remaining faction became the principal opposition party to the rule of Pakistan’s Prime Minister Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto. The party was outlawed by the Pakistani government in 1975 and much of its leadership was subsequently imprisoned for alleged anti-state activities.

1958  Ataullah Mengal along with chief of Marri tribe Khair Bakhsh Marri joined the National Awami Party (Wali) of  Khan Wali Khan and developed a close friendship with Wali Khan over the next decade.

1958-60 During this period of Ayub Khan’s rule, most of the Baloch leadership including Ghaus Bakhsh Bizenjo, Gul Khan Nasir and Faiz Muhammad Yousafzai were arrested on different charges. It was in those years that the young and dynamic Sardar Ataullah Khan Mengal and Nawab Khair Bakhsh Marri entered Balochistan’s politics.

1961  Warna Waninda Gal (Youth Educational Forum) launched.Abdul Hakeem Baloch was its first president.

1962  Baloch Students Educational Organization (BSEO) was founded by Baloch students in Karachi.

26 November 1967 After a three-day convention in Karachi, the two organizations merged into one forming the Baloch Students  organization.

1960-70  In this decade Ataullah Mengal was catapulted to the top of the Baloch leadership because of his charismatic personality and Nawab Khair Bakhsh Marri also earned a lot of fame because of his political philosophy. Mir Gul Khan Nasir went to jail around 5–6 times. Anti One Unit scheme succeeded. Balochistan made a separate province.

1965  Fatima Jinnah elections against Ayub Khan.

1970  Abdul Hayee Baloch contested the 1970 elections and got elected to the Pakistan National Assembly, as a member of the NAP.

1970  General election were held in Pakistan in which the NAP managed to get a majority in Balochistan and  N.W.F.P while the Pakistan People’s Party got most of the seats of Punjab and Sindh. Mir Gul Khan Nasir won a seat in the Provincial Assembly after defeating a big landlord/marble mine owner Mir Nabi Bakhsh Zehri of the Muslim League Qayyum group Chaghi.

1972  As a result of extensive dialogue held between Z.A. Bhutto and Ghaus Bakhsh Bizenjo, NAP was able to form coalition governments (with JUI) in both the provinces. In Balochistan Sardar Ataullah Khan Mengal was elected as the First Chief Minister of Balochistan while Mir Ghaus Bakhsh Bizenjo became the Governor. Gul Khan Nasir was a Senior Minister in this government and held the portfolios of Education, Health, Information, Social Welfare and Tourism. Later, Tourism and Information portfolios were given to other ministers. As the Minister of Education, Gul Khan managed to lay down the foundation for the Bolan Medical College which is, to this day, the only medical college in Balochistan. Nawab Akber Bugti remained disgruntled.

1 May 1972  Sardar Ataullah Khan Mengal was elected as the First Chief Minister of Balochistan.

9 Feburary 1973  Akbar Khan Bugti told Pakistani authorities about a weapons shipment smuggled from the Soviet Union with Iraqi assistance. Pakistan responded by expelling and declaring persona non grata the Iraqi Ambassador Hikmat Sulaiman and other consular staff.

1973 NAP government dismissed in Balochistan.The N.W.F.P government resigned in protest. Governor’s rule was imposed with Nawab AKbar Khan Bugti as appointed as the Governor of Balochistan. Three months after the dismissal of the NAP government, Gul Khan Nasir was arrested on various charges before any other leader. In August 1973, Mir Gul Khan’s brother, Mir Lawang Khan, died in an operation carried out by the Pakistani Military. Mir Gul Khan’s younger brother, Colonel (R) Sultan Mohammad Khan (who was the head of the Balochistan Reserve Police), was arrested the day he returned to Quetta after burying  Mir Lawang Khan. Along with Colonel Sultan, Ghaus Bakhsh Bizenjo, Ataullah Mengal, Khair Bakhsh Marri and Bizen Bizenjo were also arrested.  Later, a commission, known as Hyderabad tribunal, was set up and Mir Ghaus Bakhsh Bizenjo, Sardar Ataullah Mengal, Gul Khan Nasir, Nawab Marri, Khan Abdul Wali Khan, Syed Kaswar Gardezi, Habib Jalib and many others had to defend  themselves in a treason case in front of the tribunal. They were released in 1979. On their release, Ghaus Bakhsh Bizenjo, Gul Khan Nasir and Ataullah Mengal brought back their followers who had taken refuge in Afghanistan while Khair Bakhsh Marri and Shero Marri, themselves, went to Afghanistan. Sardar Ataullah Mengal also left for London.  Gul Khan Nasir and Ghaus Bakhsh Bizenjo joined Wali Khan’s National Democratic Party.  Mir Ghaus Bakhsh and Mir Gul Khan left the NDP over differences and formed the Pakistan National Party or PNP.Ghaus Bakhsh Bizenjo was elected as PNP’s President while Gul Khan Nasir became the President of PNP Balochistan.

1984   BSO–Awami merged back into the main BSO, following the request of Hameed Baloch, who was given death sentence for an attempted assassination of an Omani colonel.

March 31, 1985  Ataullah Mengal participated in the founding of Sindhi Baloch Pushtoon Front in London.

1990  Hasil Bizenjo won National Assembly elections on ticket of Pakistan National Party.

1995 Sardar Ataullah Mengal returned to Balochistan after which he formed the Balochistan National Party.

1996  Hyrbyair Marri was elected to Balochistan assembly and was appointed Education Minister of the province.

1997  Hasil Bizenjo contests and wins elections from BNP.

1998  Balochistan Police accused Hyrbiar Marri’s family of murdering judge Nawaz Marri. He escaped from Pakistan to Dubai and then to Britain.

2003  Hasil Bizenjo’s Balochistan National Democratic Party joins Baloch National Movement to form NP.

May 9, 2008  Sardar Akhter Mengal released.

2008  Baloch Republican Party formed by Brahumdagh Bugti.

25 March 2013  Akhter Mengal returned to Pakistan.

May 2013  Hasil Bizenjo’s NP wins elections and forms a coalition government in Balochistan

2014    Hasil Bizenjo president of NP.

Militant Activity in Balochistan

July 1948 The signing of the Instrument of Accession by Ahmad Yar Khan, led his brother, Prince Abdul Karim, to revolt against his brother’s decision in July 1948. Princes Agha Abdul Karim Baloch and Muhammad Rahim, refused to lay down arms, leading the Dosht-e Jhalawan in unconventional attacks on the army until 1950. The Princes fought a lone battle without support from the rest of Balochistan. Jinnah and his successors allowed Yar Khan to retain his title until the province’s dissolution in 1955.

1958-59  Nawab Nauroz Khan revolt against the One Unit Policy. Five of his family members, sons and nephews, were subsequently hanged on charges of treason and aiding in the murder of Pakistani troops. Nawab Nauroz Khan later died in captivity.

1960s   Lots of political experts believe that it was Jumma Khan Baloch a Baluchi nationalist leader from Baluchistan, who lived in Damascus in the 1960s (Jumma Khan Marri was not yet born) but because of strong pressure for his extradition, he fled to Baghdad in 1968.

1963-69   Low Key Insurgency in Balochistan. Sher Muhammad Bijrani Marri led it. Sher Muhammad Marri’s Parari fighters attacked the Pakistani Armed Forces in the Marri area and in Jahlawan under Mir Ali Muhammad Mengal.

1964 Baloch Liberation Front formed by Juma Khan Marri.

1960s-1993 Popular Front for Armed Resistance, or PFAR, was founded in the 1960s by Ishaque Mohammad Shah and Sher Mohammad Marri and was active until 1993 in Pakistan.

1967  The declaration of a general amnesty.

26 Nov 1967 Baloch Students’ Organization formed in Karachi.

1973  Bhutto dismissed NAP-JUI governments in NWFP and Balochistan.

1973  Sher Muhammad Marri was arrested for his role in the struggles against the government of Zulfikar Ali Bhutto. Upon his release in the late 1970s, Marri went into exile in Pakistan’s Marxist neighbor, the Democratic Republic of Afghanistan. Following the fall of the Communist Afghan government, Marri briefly returned to Pakistan but he found the Baloch nationalist movement full of schisms and in disarray. Khair Bakhsh Marri formed the Balochistan People’s Liberation Front (BPLF), which led large numbers of Marri and Mengal tribesmen into guerrilla warfare against the central government. According to some authors, the Pakistani military lost 300 to 400  soldiers during the conflict with the Balochi separatists, while between 7,300 and 9,000 Balochi militants and civilians were killed.

1973-78   Operation in Balochistan.

1976   Baluch People’s Liberation Front, also known as Baluch Awami Azadi Mahaiz or BPLF is a militant group formed by Mir Hazar Khan Ramkhani, a prominent Baluchi leader.

1975-79  The Hyderabad Tribunal.A total of 52 people were arrested. Those arrested from the National Awami Party leadership included Khan Abdul Wali Khan, Khan Amirzadah Khan, Syed Muhammad Kaswar Gardezi, Ghaus Bakhsh Bizenjo, Nawab Khair Bakhsh Marri, Mir Gul Khan Nasir, Sardar Ataullah Mengal, Habib Jalib, Barrister Azizullah Shaikh, Aslam Baluch (Shaysani), Aslam Kurd, Saleem Kurd, Sher Mohammad Marri (General Sherof), Najam Sethi,  Saleem Pervez, Majid Gichki, Mir Abdul Wahid Kurd (read article) and Karnel Sultan Mengal. In addition, several members of the Muslim League and even prominent critics of Bhutto within his own Pakistan People’s Party were also arrested.

May 11, 1993  Sher Bakhsh Marri died in a Mumbai (then Bombay) hospital, in India, due to illness.

22Feb 1997-15 June 1998 Sardar Akhtar Mengal Ministry in Balochistan.

2002  New incarnation of BSO Azad.

2004  The Balochistan Liberation Army BLA has waged an armed struggle against the state of Pakistan for equal rights and self-determination for the Baloch people in Pakistan, who have been subjected to repression for decades. Misha and Sasha were among the architects of the original BLA.

February 2006  Grand Unification of the BSO.

26 August2006 Nawab Akber Bugti dies in military operation in Kohlu.

September 2006 Sardar Akhter Mengal arrested along with 700 othr political workers.

17 July 2006 The British government followed suit, listing the BLA as a “proscribed group” based on the Terrorism Act 2000.

2007  Hyrbyair Marri has been BLA’s leader. It has been claimed that Brahumdagh Bugti is one of the founders of the BLA.

2009  Baloch National Front. Baloch National Movement leader Ghulam Muhammad Baloch assassinated.

15 March, 2013 BSO (Azad) banned by Pakistani Government.

15 June 2013. BLA attacked Quaid-I-Azam Residency.

17 Sept 2017  Juma Khan Marri surrendered to Pakistani forces in Sibbi and vowed to join mainstream Pakistani society.