Economic and Developmental Statistics معاشی اور ترقیاتی شماریات

The people of Gilgit-Baltistan have displayed unusual imagination and efforts in meeting the various Economic and Developmental challenges of their region. This page offers a statistical overview of the Economic and Developmental trends in the area. The data presented here provides wholesome insights into the Economic and Developmental Landscape of the region. We shall base our policy recommendations on Economics and Development on the basis of the data shared here. The Page on Research and Opinions offers analyses and study of the figures and data presented here.

حالیہ دورمیں گلگت بلتستان کے لوگوں نے اپنے علاقے کے ترقیاتی اور معاشی مسائل کا حل غیر معمولی صلاحیتوں اور سعی سے نکالا ہے۔ یہ صفحہ گلگت بلتستان کی معیشت اور ترقیاتی صورتحال کا ایک شماریاتی جائزہ پیش کرتا ہے۔ یہاں پر موجود معلومات خطے کی معاشی اور ترقیاتی صورتحال کی ایک جامع تصویر پیش کرتی ہیں ۔ ہم اپنی پالیسی ساز سفارشات یہاں پر موجود معلومات کی بنیاد پر دیتے ہیں۔ آگے پڑا تحقیق اور آرا کا صفحہ بھی اپنا تجزیہ یہاں پر موجود معلومات کی بنیاد پر دیتا ہے۔

                    Gilgit Baltistan: A Statistical Profile

Introductory Statistics

District Area (Sq.KM) Population

2013 Est.

House Hold Size 1998 Growth Rate 1998 Literacy Rate 2013 Est. (%)
Gilgit 4208 0.222 8.1 2.74 73
Skardu 19697 0.305 7.8 2.24 57
Diamer 7234 0.214 8.1 3.13 32
Ghizer 12381 0.190 9.0 3.08 70
Ghanche 8531 0.108 6.8 1.18 61
Astore 5411 0.114 8.9 3.10 62
Hunza-Nagar 15034 0.148 7.7 2.74 72
Total GB 72796 1.301 8 2.56 60

Politics and Governance

Administrative Set Up

S.NO. Administrative Units 1998 2013
1 Divisions 01 02
2 Districts 05 07
3 Sub-Divisions 12 19
4 Tehsils 19 27
5 Villages 571 571
6 Sub Villages 1401 1401
7 Police Stations 60 66
8 Police Posts 20 27


Political Institutions

S.NO. Institutions 1998 2013
1 G.B. Council 01
2 GBLA 01
3 District Councils 05 07
4 Municipal Committees 05 06
5 Union Councils 105 102
6 Village Councils 554

Source : Statistical Cell P&DD GB


Population Indicators 1998  (2013 Estimates)

Years 1998 2013
Area in Sq.Km 72496 72496
Pop.  (In 000) 884 1301
Male Pop. (In 000) 462 680
Female Pop. (In 000) 422 621
Urban Pop. (In 000) 127 242
Rural Pop. (In 000) 757 1059
Density Per Sq.Km 122 18
Annual Growth Rate 2.56 2.56
Sex Ratio (M Per 100 F) 109 109
Avrg. Households per Room 08 08
% of Pop. Having one Room 14 14
% of Access Pipe Water 34 60
% H.H Without Latrine 20 18
% H.H having Electricity 60 95
Literacy Rate 37.85% 60
Literacy Rate (Male) 52.62% 70
Literacy Rate (Female) 21.65% 50

Source: Statistical Cell P&DD GB 1998

Education 2011-12

Institutions Numbers Section wise Enrollment Teaching Staff
PRIMARY SCHOOLS 1492 105869 3654
Male 551 57674 2127
Female 253 48195 1527
Mixed 688
MIDDLE SCHOOLS 418 63897 2787
Male 183 37000 1678
Female 121 26897 1109
Mixed 114
HIGH SCHOOLS 261 67013 3616
Male 127 40445 2415
Female 69 26568 1201
Mixed 65

Education High School Onwards 2011-12

Institutions Numbers Section-wise Enrollment Teaching Staff
Higher Secondary Schools 18 5059 Mix with H/S
Male 02 2246 Mix with H/S
Female 07 2813 Mix with H/S
Mixed 09
Intermediate Colleges 56 3707 140
Male 39 2576 110
Female 08 1131 30
Mixed 09
Degree Colleges 15 6438 182
Male 13 3833 131
Female 02 2605 51
College of Education 03 N/A 42
Male 02 14
Female 01
University 01
Literacy Rate 60 %

Source : EMISGB-2011-12 DEGB


Facilities 2013 (IN NUMBERS)

Description In Numbers 2013
Total Hospitals 33
CMH 02
Civil Hospitals 29
Private Hospital 02
CMH Bed 80
Government Hospitals Bed 936
Private Hospitals Bed 50
Total Dispensaries 169
FAPs 192
Private Dispensaries/Health Centers
RHC 02
RHC Beds 50
BHU Beds 17
TB/Leprosy Centers 23
MCH Centers 90
Dental Centers 13
EPI Centers 63
Teaching, Paramedics Institutes/Nursing School 01
In Service TC 01
Indoor Patients Treated during 2012 40275
Outdoor Patients treated during 2012 1274914

Source: DHS GB

Some Gilgit Baltistan Health Indicators

Key Indicator Pakistan Gilgit-Baltistan
Maternal Mortality 276 450-500
Infant Mortality 74 92
Neo-Natal Mortality 54 40
Under 5 Year Mortality 89 117
% Delivered by Skilled Providers 52.1 43.7
Fully Immunized 61.4 51
CPR 35.4 34
Ante Natal Care 73 64
TT Immunization 63.9 518
Total Fertility Rate 3.8 3.8
POP. Per Hospital Bed N/A 1220
POP.Per Doctor N/A 3804
Pop. Per Dental Surgeon N/A 40656
Bed Occupying Rate N/A 90%
Bed Per 1000 Population N/A 0.9

Source: DHS, GB PDHS, NIPS-2013

Category-Wise Number of Medical/Para Medical Staff

Description Authorization Held
Specialist Doctors 114 66
MOs/LOs 228 154
Dental Officers 32 28
Pharma/Drug Inspectors 05 05
Nurses 31
LHVs 132 111
LHWs 1400 1281
Paramedics 1522 1370
Lady Health Supervisors 102 66

Source: DHS, GB PDHS, NIPS-2013


H/Power GB 2010 2013
Power House 93 108
Installed Capacity MW 80.120 97.439
Generating Capacity (S) MW 65.900 77.750
Generating Capacity (W) MW 44.550 58.090
Electricity Supply to Pop  % 90 98
Domestic Consumers No 110578 141093
Commercial Consumers No 17496 21867
Industrial Consumers No 3794 3863
Agricultural Consumers No N/A

Source: GB Power Department



District Blacktop Kms Shingle Kms Total Kms Road Density Kms Road Per Thousand Population
Gilgit/Hunza- Nagar 132 284 416 0.0216 1.124
Ghizer 255 255 510 0.0412 2.684
Diamer 61 438 499 0.0690 2.332
Astore 145 395 540 0.1000 4.737
Skardu 243 916 1159 0.0588 3.8
Ghanche 270 709 9790 1.1476 9.065
GB 1106 2997 4103 0.566 3.154

Source JSR 2012, PWD, GB


Type Gilgit Hunza-Nagar Ghizer Diamer Astore Skardu Ghanche GB
M/Car 5456 432 515 7 1767 176 8353
Jeep 6777 412 1045 34 877 289 9434
Van/ Hi-Ace,Suzuki 1009 74 225 562 56 1926
M/Cycle 4526 308 528 79 1077 109 6627
Mini Trucks 1778 24 178 8 144 26 2158
Tractors 817 157 128 6 224 81 1413
Trucks 2917 87 113 1 510 51 3679
Total 23280 1494 2732 135 5161 788 33590
NCP 3750 358 451 948 377 1437 318 7639

Major Economic Indicators 2008 (And 2012-14)

Indicators Baltistan Region Gilgit Region  Astore District
Real Per Capita Income (PKR) 6763 8399 5883
Nominal Per Capita Income (PKR) 27373 33997 23811
Per Capita Income as Proportion of National Income 41 51 38
Percentage of Population living below Poverty 23 23 35
Percentage of Poorest 4 4 7

Source:  AKRSP 2008

Gross Domestic Product

GDP (US D Millions) 844
Per Capita Income Growth 2001-2005 6.5 %
Incidence of Poverty (2004/05) 29 %

Source JST Estimation 2010, GB Economic Report 2011


Name of Sector Ongoing Schemes Revised Allocation for 2012-13 Allocation for 2013-14
S.No     Total FEC PKR Total FEC PKR
1 Agriculture 11 112.382 30.000 82.382 180.392 50.000 130.392
2 Animal Husbandry 7 24.970 0.000 24.970 39.476 0.000 39.476
3 Fisheries 2 11.000 0.000 11.000 15.000 0.000 15.000
4 Forestry/Environment 11 65.194 0.000 65.194 85.777 0.000 85.777
5 Sports/Culture & Youth Development 8 118.300 0.000 118.300 202.000 0.000 202.000
6 Minerals/Industries 7 26.241 0.000 26.241 37.282 0.000 37.282
7 Tourism 14 28.412 0.000 28.412 70.061 0.000 70.061
8 Water/Irrigation 18 19.405 0.000 19.405 24.672 0.000 24.672
9 Power 77 2086.171 0.000 2086.171 2471.927 0.000 2471.927
10 T&C 152 1471.055 0.000 1471.055 1095.687 0.000 1095.637
11 PPH 64 444.096 0.000 444.096 649.444 0.000 649.444
12 Education 63 215.739 0.000 2015.739 442.882 0.000 442.882
13 Health 28 189.182 49.463 139.719 461.439 20.000 441.439
14 Area & Urban Development 14 465.323 68.701 396.622 625.806 30.000 595.806
15 Rural Development 7 237.517 200.000 37.517 48.155 0.000 48.155
16 Block Allocations 860.591 0.000 860.591 1750.000 0.000 1750.000

Federal PSDP

Grand Total

483 6375.578 348.164 6027.414 8200.000 100.000 8100.000
4 0.000 0.000 0.000 1390.000 510.000 880.000
487 6375.578 348.164 6027.414 9590.000 610.000 8980.000

Source JST Estimation 2010, GB Economic Report 2011