Economic and Developmental Statistics معاشی اور ترقیاتی شماریات

Pakhtunkhwa faces a number of Economic and Developmental challenges. This page offers a statistical overview of the Economic and Developmental trends in the Pakhtunkhwa. The data presented here provides wholesome insights into the Economic and Developmental landscape of the region. We shall base our policy recommendations on Economics and Development on the basis of the data shared here. The Page on Research and Opinions offers analyses and study of the figures and data presented here.

پختونخواہ کو کئی معاشی اور ترقیاتی مسائل کا سامنا ہے۔ یہ صفحہ پختونخواہ کی معیشت اور ترقیاتی صورتحال کا ایک شماریاتی جائزہ پیش کرتا ہے۔ یہاں پر موجود معلومات خطے کی معاشی اور ترقیاتی صورتحال کی ایک جامع تصویر پیش کرتی ہے۔ ہم اپنی پالیسی ساز سفارشات یہاں پر موجود معلومات کی بنیاد پر دیتے ہیں۔ آگے پڑا تحقیق اور آرا کا صفحہ بھی اپنا تجزیہ یہاں پر موجود معلومات کی بنیاد پر دیتا ہے۔

        Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa: A Statistical Profile

Introductory Statistics

Area and Population of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa

Area 74521 Sq.Kms
Population 1998 2017
17,743,645 30,523,371

Administrative Set Up

Divisions 07
Districts 35
Tehsils 143
Sub-Tehsils 32
Villages/Mouzas (1998 Census) 9933
District Administrations 35
Neighborhood Councils (2017) 580
Village Councils(2017 3623
Police Stations 305
Provincial Constituencies 115


Key Highlights of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Population

Item Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa Percentage
Total 35525047 17.1 of Pakistan
Urban 587152
Rural 29653515
Male 18023937
Female 17500170
Transgender 940 8.8
Annual Growth Rate 2.89

Major Cities of KPK

Sr.No. City 1998 2017
1 Peshawar 982.816 1,970,042
2 Swat 374,252 695,900
 3 Mardan 295,128 439,325
4 D.I. Khan 218,549 362,231
5 Abbottabad 157,904 293,137
6 Kohat 151,913 270146
7 Bannu 47,676 49,965

Major Demographic Indicators 2017

Sr.No. Indicator Unit Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa
1 Infant Mortality Rate Per 1000 LB 58
2 Under 5 Mortality Rate Per 1000 LB 70
3 Total Fertility Rate Rate 3.9
4 Sex Ratio Ratio 103
5 Population Urban Percent 18.77
6 Population Rural Percent 81.23


Housing Facilities 2017 Census (In Thousand)

Area Housing Units Average Household Size
Total 3845 7.9
Urban 741 7.7
Rural 3104 8.0


Education Indicators, 2015-16

Primary & Secondary Education Institutions Enrollment by level (Nos.) T. Staff (Nos.)
Primary Schools (All Primary) 22044 3037605 70876
Middle Schools 2579 772257 15207
High Schools 2175 358767 28186
Higher Secondary School 564 51160 10996
Colleges/Higher Education      
Colleges, Inter, Degree, B-S 4 Years &Post Graduate 191 140974 6145
Universities (Public) 19 84680 4181
Government College of Technology/Polytechnic Institutes 22 24354 818
Government: Technical and Vocational Centers 39 3700 358
Government: College of Management Sciences (GCMS) 28 17444 450
Participation Rate (%) Both Sexes Male Female
Primary 62 69 55
Middle 61 73 46
High 60 74 41
Literacy Ratio % (10 +) 53 71 35

Health 1.1.2016


Facilities (functioning) Number
Hospitals 238
Dispensaries 458
Rural Health Centers R.H.Cs 91
Basic Health Units B.H.Us 765
Sub Health Centers 23
Total Beds Hosp:/Disp:/RHC 19797
Population Per Bed (Persons) 718

Medical Personnel 1.1.2016

Doctors 3644
Population per Doctor 7993
Nurses 3673
L.H.Vs 1096

Private Medical Practitioners   2015-16

Male 4609
Female 466
Total 5075

Water & Sanitation

Rural Water Supply

Item Figures
Rural Water Supply Coverage Population Coverage 2017    90.2%





Total Urban
Total Tap Water Hand Pump Motor Pump Dug Well Total Tap Water Hand Pump Motor Pump Dug Well
82.0 35.0 12.0 26.0 8.0 97.0 55.0 7.0 32.0 4.0
Total Tap Water Hand Pump Motor Pump Dug Well
78.0 30.0 14.0 25.0 9.0


Item Use of Safe Drinking Water Use of Sanitary Means of Excreta Disposal
Total 82 88
Urban 97 99
Rural 78 86

Fuel and Power

Items Year 2015-16
Gas Consumption (Million Cub.Mtr.) 2234
Electricity Connections 28865977(R)
Electricity Units Sold (Million KWH) 8700
Number of Eletrified Villages/Settlements (Cumulative) 26146



Type of Roads 2015-16
Total Roads (K.M) 20712
Black Topped 15403
Shingled 5309
Road Per Sq.Km of area 0.28

Total Number of Vehicles

Number of Registered Vehicles 2015
Total 1380330
Buses/Mini Buses 46364
Motor Cars and Jeeps 191719
Motor Rickshaws 55058
Trucks (Public/Private) 56919
Others 1030270



Total High Type Low Type
15120.923 10203.771 4917.152





 FOR THE YEAR   2015-16 (In Kilometers)

Total Broad Gauge Meter Gauge Narrow Gauge
379.4 379.4 0 0



Total 1380330
Motor Cycle/Scooter 658594
Motor Cars/Jeeps 191719
Tractors 48346
Buses/Mini Buses, St.W,A/C Coasters 46364
Motor Cabs/Taxies 1674
Motor Cabs, Rickshaws 55058
Delivery Vans/Pickup 78503
Public Carrier/Trucks 56919
Other Vehicles 243153



Civilian Labor Force 2014-15  (In Million)

Area Total Male Female
Khyber Pakhtunkhwa 6.60 5.31 1.29
Rural 5.40 4.26 1.15
Urban 1.20 1.05 0.15


Employed Labor Force 2014-15   (In Million)

Area Total Male Female
Khyber Pakhtunkhwa 6.09 5.00 1.09
Rural 5.01 4.03 0.98
Urban 1.08 0.97 0.11

Unemployed Labor Force 2014-15 (In Million)

Area Total Male Female
Khyber Pakhtunkhwa 0.51 0.31 0.20
Rural 0.39 0.23 0.16
Urban 0.12 0.08 0.04

Crude Activity (Participation) Rates 2014-15 (% age)

Area Total Male Female
Khyber Pakhtunkhwa 25.0 40.0 9.9
Rural 25.1 39.3 10.7
Urban 24.7 42.9 6.1

Refined Activity (Participation) Rates 2014-15 (% age)

Area Total Male Female
Khyber Pakhtunkhwa 36.3 59.4 14.0
Rural 36.9 59.3 15.3
Urban 34.2 59.7 8.4

Unemployed Rates 2014-15 (% age)

Area Total Male Female
Khyber Pakhtunkhwa 7.73 5.84 15.50
Rural 7.22 5.40 13.91
Urban 10.0 7.62 2.67

Incidence of Poverty 1998-99 Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (%age)

Total Urban Rural
44.3 31.2 46.5

Major Economic Trends


Gross National Product (FC) 2017
A)      At Current Factor Cost:
Gross National Product (MP) (Rs. In Million) 29895963
Per Capita Income (MP-Rs.) 170508
B)      At Current Factor Cost of 2005-6
Gross National Product (FC) (Rs. In Million) 12416918
Per Capita Income (FC-Rs.) 62947

Public Finance (Rs. In Million)

Revenue Receipts/Expenditure 2017-18 (B-E) % of Total
Revenue Receipts
Total General Revenue Receipts (A) 470854.47 100
i)                    Provincial own Receipts (Tax) 22306.875 4.74
ii)                   Federal Tax Assignment 326000.854 69.24
iii)                 Provincial Own Receipts (Non-Tax) 22908.125 4.87
iv)                 Straight Transfer 24682.29 5.24
v)                   Net Profit from Hydel Power Generation 20785.000 4.41
vi)                 Arrears of Net Hydel Profit (NHP) 15000.000 3.19
vii)               1% of divisible pool for War On Terror 39171.330 8.32
viii)              Incentive on Surplus Cash 0.00 0.00
ix)                 Extra Budgetary Grant (Non Dev) 0 0
Revenue Expenditure (A)
Total Current Revenue Expenditure 388000.000 100
General Public Service 247876.706 63.89
Civil Defense 107.341 0.03
Public Order and Safety Affairs 49806.195 12.84
Economic Affairs 21774.249 5.61
Environmental Protection 114.535 0.03
Housing and Community Amenities 6782.061 1.75
Health (Excluding Health Education) 26897.941 6.93
Recreation, Culture and Religion 1069.659 0.28
Education Affairs and Services (Including Health Education and etc.) 27554.815 7.10
Social Protection 6016.498 1.55

Annual Development Program (Rs. In Millions), 2017-18

Sector Allocation (2017-18)(B.E) (%) Share
Agriculture 5289.811 2.96
Auqaf, Hajj and Minorities Affairs 620.000 0.34
Board of Revenue 637.000 0.35
Building 1439.000 0.80
CPEC/Chinese Investment Project 1.000 0.00
Drinking Water and Sanitation 5160.101 2.87
Elementary and Secondary Education 20294.712 11.27
Energy and Power 829.684 0.46
Environment 57.000 0.03
Excise, Taxation and Narcotics 312.000 0.17
Finance 1596.000 0.89
Food 732.000 0.41
Forestry 2007.000 1.12
Health 16474.710 9.15
Higher Education 6739.320 3.74
Home 4161.620 2.31
Housing 540.000 0.30
Industries 4010.560 2.23
Information 180.000 0.10
Labor 125.000 0.07
Law & Justice 1413.484 0.79
Local Government 8460.001 4.70
Mines and Minerals 622.000 0.35
Multi-Sectoral Development 1162.879 6.20
Population Welfare 230.000 0.13
Pro-Poor Initiatives 642.000 0.36
Relief and Rehabilitation 2215.000 1.23
Roads 19576.618 10.38
Social Welfare 560.000 0.31
Sports, Tourism and Archaeology 3144.010 1.75
ST & IT 610.000 0.34
Transport 45562.880 25.31
Urban Development 6243.010 3.47
Water 9352.100 4.64
Total Provincial ADP (Including FPA) 180000.000 86.54
District ADP 28000,000 13.46
Total ADP (District & Provincial) 208000.000 100.00

Source: Bureau of Statistics, Government of Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa